We provide high quality living arrangements for students who meet the enrolment criteria stated in the Epsom Girls Grammar School Enrolment Scheme, i.e. whose homes are in rural areas, or who do not have access to schools, or some subjects, or who live outside of New Zealand, and who wish to further their studies at Epsom Girls Grammar School.
We provide a safe emotional and physical environment for students. We provide optimal learning conditions where students will develop initiative and independence, learn cooperatively, perform to the best of their individual abilities, seek and set personal goals and actively participate in their own learning.
We actively monitor and report on student progress so students have clear, balanced and reliable information to assist with decisions about learning priorities and future choices.
We provide a variety of food that is nutritionally balanced, aesthetically pleasing and which caters to special dietary needs. We promote health and well-being in all Epsom House catering.
We strive to be a good and fair employer and to appoint staff who are excellent role models for students. Staff should demonstrate high levels of professional skill, loyalty and enthusiasm for their work. They should value and support the work of students and show commitment to their on-going professional growth.
We will secure and manage Epsom House finances to sustain the mission and aims of this charter. We will provide effective support for living and learning and balance immediate financial commitments with longer-term responsibilities.
We will strive to identify and action opportunities for other revenue sources for Epsom House.
We will continue to plan and manage the maintenance and development of a safe, healthy, attractive and welcoming environment, with grounds, buildings, facilities, resources and services.
We value and encourage the interest, participation and support of parents. We are responsive to their expectations and communicate openly. We promote the involvement of parents and the wider community in the life of Epsom House and the education of our students.
We recognise the uniqueness of Te Reo Māori and culture in the context of the partnership principles of the Treaty of Waitangi.
We acknowledge, support, affirm and respect all cultures represented in Epsom House, the School and its wider community.
We will regularly self-review Epsom House's performance. We will recognise successes, identify areas for improvement, and always prioritise the students’ best interests.