Home Zone Applications

All students who live in the home zone are entitled to enrol with us at any time. Home zone requirements, important enrolment dates and more are detailed on this page.

All students who live in the home zone are entitled to enrol with us at any time. Enrolment of students at all Year levels is by appointment, and only once enrolment procedures have been completed.

Students who live out of the school zone and within the Auckland City boundary and who are not currently enrolled at Epsom Girls Grammar School can apply to enter ballots for enrolment in 2025.

For information about enrolment please contact:

Mrs Wendy Smith
Enrolment Manager
Phone: (09) 9706 710
email: wsmith@eggs.school.nz


2025 Enrolment

Online home zone applications available here. (Please use Google Chrome as the recommended browser.)


Home Zone requirements

Due to the residency requirements of our enrolment scheme, we will accept applications only when:

  1. A student is actually resident in the home zone and is either 
    a. intending to begin school immediately or
    b. intending to pre-enrol for the beginning of the next academic year.

Applicants should complete the online enrolment form and upload supporting documents. Once received, we will contact you by email to progress the application.

Please note that further documentation may be requested.

Applications will be processed once all documentation is received.

We retain the right to make all enquiries necessary to obtain information that may assist us to reach a decision on any application. Once a place is confirmed, a pre-enrolment pack will be issued and an appointment will be made with the Dean to confirm the student's course of study.

Enrolment is deemed to have been completed when:

  • all pre-enrolment procedures have been completed, formally acknowledged and accepted by the School
  • the student begins attending the School

Enrolment is dependent on:

  • any changes to personal details provided at pre-enrolment having been notified to the School in writing
  • any changes to personal details having been acknowledged in writing by the School as conforming with provisions of this Enrolment Scheme
  • personal details provided at the time of pre-enrolment as being accurate

An enrolment is not confirmed until the student attends school and the information given to the school at pre-enrolment is confirmed as accurate and is still current at this time.

If your application for enrolment is not successful, you may appeal to the Ministry of Education and ask that they direct the School Board to enrol the student. Application forms are available from the Ministry's local office.