Mrs Kraettli, Director of International Students

The Director is in charge of the International Student programme. She represents the School in everything international. If students have a problem which have not been solved by another staff member, they can make an appointment with Mrs Kraettli. She is responsible for the overall care of students studying with us.

Mrs Hames, International Student Dean

The Dean is responsible for supporting students academically. You will meet with her once a term to discuss academic progress and what support we can provide to assist you with your study. If you have any concerns you may visit her during lunch times.

Ms Murakami, International Services Officer

The International Services Officer is responsible for helping you with any paperwork, forms and questions. She is responsible for visas, insurance and to keep you up to date with when these expire and the renewal process. If you have any questions please see her first and she will either assist you or let you know who else can help

Mrs Kerr, International Student Admin Support

The Admin Support works part time. She is mainly responsible for new applications but can also help with visa and insurance renewals.

Ms Bostock, International Student Manager 

The International Student Manager is responsible for the day to day running of the international department, with responsibilities including pastoral care, encouraging students to access the rich opportunities that EGGS has to offer, such as joining clubs, sports, music groups and celebrating achievements.  She welcomes you to visit the international office at interval, lunchtime or study periods.

Mrs McNeill, Accommodation Co-ordinator

The Accommodation Co-ordinator is responsible for your care in your chosen accommodation.  You can speak with her during lunchtime or interval, as well as meeting once a term to review how everything is going with your accommodation.  She will help you with any questions or concerns you have during your stay with us. 

International Team photo with Sarah and May
We support our international students while they study with us to ensure their experience at EGGS is enriching, well-informed and safe.  
EGGS International Department

Contact us


Mailing address: International Department, Epsom Girls Grammar School, Silver Rd, Epsom, Auckland 1023, New Zealand
Tel: +64 9 9706 716

Emergency only 24/7 contact number for just international student affairs: +64 272 268 568